Andhra Pradesh is set to establish its first mother’s milk bank at King George Hospital (KGH) in Visakhapatnam, marking a signific...
In a shocking discovery, the Visakhapatnam police have uncovered large-scale ganja cultivation on the hilltop behind King George H...
In Kailasa Patnam of Kotavutla Mandal, three students have died due to food poisoning at an orphanage school run by the Sacred Chr...
In a dramatic turn of events in Vishakhapatnam, a significant burglary has occurred in Madhurawada. Thieves have managed to pull o...
KGH Superintendent Calls for Reporting Bribery to 0891-2590100 or 2590102. Visakhapatnam: At a recent press conference, KG Hosp...
Awareness Program Highlights Legal Adoption Process and Risks of Unauthorised Practices VISAKHAPATNAM: The Andhra Pradesh State...
The pediatric care facilities at King George Hospital (KGH) are set for a significant upgrade, thanks to the support from Adani Ga...
MLA Vamsi Krishna Srinivas Yadav Pledges Support for KGH Enhancements Visakhapatnam: Ch Vamsi Krishna Srinivas Yadav, the MLA o...
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