In a remarkable turn of events in the world of beauty pageants, Alejandra Rodríguez, a 60-year-old lawyer, has etched her name in...
In the vast tapestry of the Telugu diaspora, a unique thread has been found in the island nation of Sri Lanka.
In Visakhapatnam, a momentous event unfolded as the sacred ritual of Prana Pratishta took place at Sri Mogadarmma Lakshmi Padmalay...
In commemoration of the 171st year of Indian Railways' journey, the Waltair Division of East Coast Railway (ECoR) unveiled a vibra...
In Visakhapatnam, various governmental departments, academic institutions, and private organizations came together to honor the le...
In the realm of competitive cycling, every victory is a testament to dedication, perseverance, and sheer passion for the sport. Su...
In a momentous achievement, the Waltair Division of Visakhapatnam has surpassed Rs. 10,000 crore in revenue for the first time in...
Denied access to the traditional burial ground due to temple expansion, Varalamma's family was forced to conduct her last rites on...
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