In an impressive display of dedication and teamwork, railway authorities successfully cleared a massive landslip that had disrupte...
In a groundbreaking move aimed at enhancing the passenger experience and generating non-fare revenue, the first-ever Rail Coach Re...
Indian Railways has announced the cancellation of Janmabhoomi Express, a vital train route connecting Visakhapatnam to Hyderabad,...
VISAKHAPATNAM: The Union Minister for Railways, Ashwini Vaishnaw, announced that a series of railway infrastructure projects in Vi...
Breaking the past year’s record in revenue earning, the Waltair Division of East Coast Railway performed exceedingly well by earni...
In both Telugu states, the Sankranti passenger rush has begun. To clear the passenger rush, both RTC and the railways have made th...
The East Coast Railway (ECoR), Waltair Division’s diesel loco shed achieved another milestone on Friday when Divisional Railway Ma...
Hailing from Visakhapatnam, Dr. Surya Lakshmi Chellapilla was born in Chennai to Prof. C Somasundara Rao and Ratna Durga, a housew...
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