Renowned plastic surgeon Dr Sumita Shankar presented a compelling case series on elephantiasis (filariasis) at the Association of...
In a momentous ceremony conducted at the naval dockyard in Visakhapatnam under the Eastern Naval Command (ENC), Vice Admiral Sande...
In a recent development in Visakhapatnam, Regional Transport Office (RTO) officials have taken stringent action against auto-ricks...
A fire erupted at Indus Hospital located in the bustling Jagadamba junction in Visakhapatnam on Thursday, prompting an emergency r...
It is with immense pride that I announce Andhra Pradesh's groundbreaking achievement in Breaking (Breakdancing - An Olympic Sport)...
The prestigious Association of Surgeons of India (ASI) is set to host its 83rd annual national conference, known as 'ASICON,' at R...
In a significant development, Thai Air Asia has revealed plans to launch a fresh international flight service connecting Bangkok a...
A two-day art exhibition, organized by the Andhra University Fine Arts Students Club, unfolded at the Alluri Sitaramaraju Jana Vig...
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