Deputy Collector S. Srinivasa Murthy, hailing from the Revenue Department, officially assumed his duties as the Executive Officer...
In an impressive display of devotion and creativity, the Gajuwaka region in Visakhapatnam is all set to unveil a monumental 117-fo...
Visakhapatnam, commonly known as Vizag, has been designated as one of the pilot cities by Niti Aayog, as announced by Niti Aayog C...
Visakhapatnam: Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) has once again set a remarkable record in the world of steel production. The L...
n a commendable display of corporate social responsibility, Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has embarked on a mission to usher in th...
Former bureaucrat E.A.S. Sarma has penned a letter to Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy, expressing his concern th...
The removal of a significant number of trees in the foothills of Kailasagiri, across from Tenneti Park in the city, has sparked co...
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