In a captivating educational expedition, nearly 100 Sea Cadet Corps (SCC) cadets embarked on a voyage of discovery to INS Jalashwa...
In Visakhapatnam, the Vizag Steel Plant (VSP) is in the midst of a challenging period, as employees await their April salaries ami...
Visakhapatnam Police Commissioner A. Ravi Shankar has dismissed claims of political involvement in the recent attack on a family i...
Visakhapatnam: In a thrilling encounter on May 17, 2024, Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) defeated Mumbai Indians (MI) by 18 runs in the...
Every year on May 18, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) observes International Museum Day. This year, the theme is "Muse...
Visakhapatnam: The Andhra Pradesh health department has initiated a Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination drive aimed at adul...
Visakhapatnam:* The Vizag Steel Plant (VSP) is in the midst of a severe operational and financial crisis, leaving its employees wi...
In a remarkable feat of efficiency and dedication, the Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) has achieved a significant milestone in...
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