In a tragic turn of events, a 20-year-old B.Tech. second-year student was discovered to have ended his life by hanging himself fro...
The Bilateral Tri-Service Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Amphibious Exercise, named Tiger Triumph, between Ind...
In Visakhapatnam, the significance of forensic medicine in the realm of criminal justice was underscored by Andhra Pradesh High Co...
In an initiative aimed at supporting the education of promising young women in Visakhapatnam, the Thanvi Dola Memorial Charitable...
The weekly Spandana programme, known as Jaganannaku Chebudam, was cancelled in Visakhapatnam district until further notice, offici...
As the 2024 elections approach, Visakhapatnam finds itself at the center stage of political activity, with the Yuvajana Sramika Ry...
In a bid to ensure the safety and well-being of visually and hearing impaired individuals, Visakhapatnam Police Commissioner, A. R...
In a collaborative effort between Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) and the NIPM-Visakha Chapter, the 44th Foundation Day celeb...
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