In Visakhapatnam, a surge in dog attack incidents has instilled fear and unease among residents in recent months. Despite the muni...
In preparation for the scorching summer ahead, the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) has announced plans to estab...
During the vibrant celebrations of Holi, the spirit of joy was overshadowed by moments of danger as lifeguards sprang into action...
In a move aimed at enhancing its infrastructure and environmental sustainability efforts, the Visakhapatnam Port Trust inaugurated...
The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) has launched a comprehensive initiative to ensure fire safety compliance in...
Launch of Projects Subba Reddy inaugurated 423 projects totaling ₹147 crore across all assembly constituencies within the Greater...
GVMC officials had assured the public that the water supply situation in Visakhapatnam remained comfortable, despite the recent ri...
GVMC's 'Paint My Street' initiative witnessed the active participation of 200 individuals, fostering community engagement and envi...
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