• Saturday, 21st September 2024
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Search Results for wildlife

Experts Emphasize Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development at Visakhapatnam Seminar

Visakhapatnam – The critical importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development for the sustenance of life on Ear...

Smugglers of Leopard Skin were Severely Beaten by Investigation Officers

In a disturbing incident, four individuals involved in the smuggling of leopard skin were reportedly subjected to severe beatings...

United and Coordinated Effort Urged to Provide Relief to Birds During Summer

As the scorching summer temperatures set in, there's an urgent call to action to ensure the well-being of our feathered friends in...

Tribal Protest Demands Basic Amenities such as electricity, water, roads, and education and Land Protection

In Visakhapatnam, a fervent protest unfolded at the zilla parishad meeting hall, spearheaded by a coalition of tribals hailing fro...

Visakhapatnam To Protect Olive Ridley Turtles From Polution

Carcasses of six turtles reportedly washed up on Visakhapatnam beaches since January; pollution from industries is also cited amon...

Exploring Tranquility: 10 Amazing Valleys in Vizag Every Nature Lover Must Visit

Visakhapatnam, fondly known as Vizag, is not just a coastal gem but also home to some enchanting valleys that showcase the region'...

A Green Haven for Turtles: Eco-Friendly Turtle Beach Coming Soon to Sagarnagar

In a promising initiative towards environmental conservation, the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) is collaborat...

Special Schedule for Visakhapatnam Zoo During Karthika Masam

In response to the upcoming Karthika Masam season and consecutive holidays, the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park (IGZP) in Visakhapat...

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