District Collector Dr. A. Mallikharjuna has revealed an ambitious initiative named "PM Suraj," scheduled for March 13, aimed at me...
Visakhapatnam is set to witness the auspicious ‘Sri Sudarshana Narasimha Maha Yagna’ at the Sri Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Dev...
The city of Visakhapatnam was imbued with devotion and religious fervor as Maha Sivaratri, the auspicious celebration dedicated to...
In response to security concerns following the recent drone attack at Jammu Airport, the Eastern Naval Command (ENC), headquartere...
In Visakhapatnam, the Andhra Petrochemicals Limited (APL) orchestrated a comprehensive off-site mock drill in collaboration with v...
In Visakhapatnam, the rich tapestry of Carnatic music and Classical dance unfolded gracefully at the 'Thyagaraja Aradhanotsavam',...
The sudden cancellation of train no. 20833 Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad Vande Bharat on March 08 left passengers frustrated and inco...
Visakhapatnam witnessed a significant milestone in healthcare with the inauguration of a new department and ward at the Visakha In...
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