Visakhapatnam police have arrested seven individuals, including a self-proclaimed spiritual guru known as Yogendra Baba, for alleg...
In an effort to promote the welfare of the girl child, post offices across Visakhapatnam will organize a special mela on January 2...
The ambitious household geo-tagging survey currently underway in Visakhapatnam is facing significant challenges as residents are i...
When Gollu Vema Nageswararao faced rejections during selection camps, he never imagined that he would soon be heading to New Delhi...
During the Navy Day celebrations in Visakhapatnam on January 4, 2025, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu emphasize...
Visakhapatnam International Airport has witnessed remarkable growth, cementing its position as a key aviation hub in the region. I...
Visakhapatnam has witnessed an alarming surge in cybercrime, with losses soaring to ₹115.3 crore in 2024, marking a staggering 566...
PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a vital document in India for financial and tax-related purposes. "PAN 2.0" may refer to the upd...
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