In an extraordinary display of endurance and determination, a woman swimmer has successfully completed the challenging open-sea sw...
In a poignant illustration of the infrastructural challenges faced by remote tribal communities, a 29-year-old woman from Pitriged...
The Visakhapatnam City Police swiftly apprehended four individuals accused of assaulting a woman within hours of the incident. The...
Visakhapatnam: The city police have intensified their investigation into a honey trap case involving a 27-year-old woman, K Joy Ja...
Visakhapatnam: In a bizarre case, a report of an alleged dog attack on an 18-day-old baby in Visakhapatnam took a surprising turn...
Visakhapatnam: In a bizarre case, a report of an alleged dog attack on an 18-day-old baby in Visakhapatnam took a surprising turn...
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) suspended MLA Koneti Adimoolam from Satyavedu after a female party leader accused him of sexual assau...
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