• Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Common new year resolutions people take but fail to implement

Another happy year comes to an end, and it’s time to welcome a new year, a new beginning and a new chapter. It is the time of the year where we reflect on what we did and ponder what we want to achieve. The result of this thought process is making a perfect list of resolutions. But do you know how many people follow them? Statistically, it is said that almost 156 million people give up on their resolutions before you can ever utter ‘confetti’. Here is the list of most common new year resolutions people consider but fail to follow.

1) Fitness aspirations

Don’t get me wrong, but going to the gym and working on their fitness goals is one of the most common resolutions and one of the most failed resolutions to keep up with. The first week of the first month of the new year is when people are filled with intense passion and unbelievable motivation to hit the gym. Sadly, the rest of the year the gyms are almost empty.

2) The finance management

Same resolution, every year. Spending less money/ saving more money is every other person’s resolution that somehow, they fail to pursue. Money management is where people lack interest or lose their willpower. We know why we want to manage our finances but fail to reckon how to do so. That is where people fall by not following the resolution.

3) Quit bad habits

The start of the year is always very positive and filled with enthusiasm. People who have a knack for bad habits always make promises that this year they’ll surely quit. A survey did quote that people actually quit during the first few weeks of the new year but later subside to the urge to continue the bad habits. The most probable reason is that people lose their sense to track their progress of the resolution, thus end up breaking down the resolution. 

4) Learning a new skill or pursuing a new hobby

Every person must-to-do resolution to for sure learn a new skill, or a hobby or a language. Learning is the only cognitive skill people enjoy to some level. But somewhere in between the time, the zeal and excitement are lost. The reasons are unknown, but one of the likely motives to not follow a resolution is procrastination. They think a lot about doing it, but end up doing nothing to complete it. Most of the creative and cognitive resolutions are lost because of procrastination.

5) The decline of the 5 am club

How many of you plan to wake up early? There’s the saying, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” and people believe in it. But due to various reasons, people fail to wake up early. The stereotype of waking up early has been embedded in almost everyone, the common belief that waking up early will lead to success is the main motive for a person to set this resolution. Anyhow, because of lack of time managing skills and other factors lead to the breakdown of this resolution 
At the end of the day, we know why we fail to implement our resolutions in our daily lives. It’s easy to keep any resolution, but it takes a lot of contemplation to set realistic and attainable resolutions. So, our advice to the readers is to lay down what they want right now in their lives as a resolution, not just any generic resolutions that people expect you to follow. This way you can actually follow your resolution till the end of the year.

By Yashaswinii

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