Milestone Achieved: Construction Begins on Simhachalam's Longest Limited Height Subway

In a significant development, the construction of Simhachalam's longest Limited Height Subway (LHS) has commenced, marking a milestone in the Waltair Chandra Nagar region.

The 64-meter-long LHS, a crucial transportation infrastructure project, was completed late on Saturday, with plans to open for traffic within a week after the finalization of approach roads.

This ambitious project is designed to enhance accessibility in the Simhachalam station area, providing a seamless connection for commuters to traverse to the other side of the station.

Recognizing its significance, the Division secured approval from the East Coast Railways (ECoR) Headquarters to replace existing level crossings at SP1 and SS1 with the construction of the LHS.

The construction utilizes the "cut and cover" method, with the box casting process completed to accommodate the 64-meter-long LHS. Heavy-duty cranes, excavators, and other machinery are strategically employed in placing 32 boxes, signifying progress in this crucial infrastructure initiative.

Waltair Division, in its proactive approach, completed the execution of LHS segments under the railway track, including lines leading to the Steel Plant, Port, Duvvada Up and Down freight traffic lines at Simhachalam. Goods train movement has already resumed on these lines, and once operational, the LHS will replace existing level crossing gates, enhancing safety and efficiency.

DRM Saurabh Prasad supervised the preparatory safety works, initiated on Friday, for the launch of the Limited Height Subway across six tracks in three directions at Simhachalam. This forward-looking initiative aims to eliminate two level crossings simultaneously, contributing to enhanced safety and streamlined rail traffic in the region.


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