Celebrating renowned Indian magician B.S. Reddy demonstrated his commitment to nurturing artistic talent by donating one lakh rupe...
In a recent development, Dr. SVV Arun Kumar, a scientist at the Space Application Centre at ISRO, cautioned against the selection...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
GVMC officials had assured the public that the water supply situation in Visakhapatnam remained comfortable, despite the recent ri...
GVMC's 'Paint My Street' initiative witnessed the active participation of 200 individuals, fostering community engagement and envi...
Under this act, the citizenship process is expedited for six religious minorities from neighboring countries who have faced persec...
In a sudden twist of plans, the Indian Railways has decided to inaugurate the Vande Bharat train service from Visakhapatnam to Bhu...
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