In a heartwarming celebration of Navy Day, more than 250 special children from seven schools in Visakhapatnam had the unique oppor...
Born on 19 November 1828, Veeravanita Jhansi Lakshmibai, the queen of Jhansi in northern India, emerged as a central figure in the...
In a tragic incident that unfolded during the night between Sunday and Monday, a massive fire wreaked havoc at the Visakhapatnam f...
C.M. Saikanth Varma, the Commissioner of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC), has revealed plans to release six lak...
In a remarkable feat, the Visakhapatnam Port Authority has set a new record in cargo handling, achieving a staggering volume of 50...
In response to the upcoming Karthika Masam season and consecutive holidays, the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park (IGZP) in Visakhapat...
As cricket fever takes over Visakhapatnam during the ICC World Cup, the Andhra Cricket Association (ACA) is all set to bring back...
In a significant step towards fostering cultural exchange and knowledge-sharing, Mayor James Brainard of Carmel, Indiana State, US...
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