Visakhapatnam: The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) is embarking on an ambitious project to construct a spacious...
Visakhapatnam: In a trend mirroring that of bustling metro cities, the cost of renting houses in Visakhapatnam has seen an unprece...
In a visionary move aimed at meeting the evolving needs of its growing population, Visakhapatnam is set to witness the constructio...
The KK line, officially known as the Kothavalasa-Kirandul line, spans a distance of 445 kilometers and traverses the rugged terrai...
Visakhapatnam: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has officially set the stage for a significant shift in the state administratio...
In an effort to improve transportation infrastructure in Visakhapatnam, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) Commiss...
In an impressive display of devotion and creativity, the Gajuwaka region in Visakhapatnam is all set to unveil a monumental 117-fo...
In a growing plea for attention, residents of two tribal villages in Manyam district, Andhra Pradesh, have expressed their desire...
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