In Visakhapatnam, a surge in dog attack incidents has instilled fear and unease among residents in recent months. Despite the muni...
In a remarkable display of innovation and dedication, the Dr BR Ambedkar Chair at Andhra University (AU) has achieved a signific...
The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) has launched a comprehensive initiative to ensure fire safety compliance in...
In a significant move towards city development, the Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) recently inaugurated a new gateway at the p...
Launch of Projects Subba Reddy inaugurated 423 projects totaling ₹147 crore across all assembly constituencies within the Greater...
In a recent development, Dr. SVV Arun Kumar, a scientist at the Space Application Centre at ISRO, cautioned against the selection...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
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