In the world of biopics, it's not uncommon for a touch of fiction and cinematic flair to be added to real-life stories, events, an...
Visakhapatnam: Railway Protection Force Raising Day marks a significant milestone in the force's growth, celebrated with enthusias...
It was a unique walk aimed at highlighting the city's commitment to preserving the memories of those who can't remember. On Thursd...
In a forward-looking initiative, the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) is gearing up to formulate an extensive st...
World Mosquito Day, observed annually on August 20, serves as a tribute to the pioneering work of British doctor Sir Ronald Ross.
Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA) has taken a monumental stride towards enhancing the coastal charm...
List of Freedom Fighters of India died Below The Age of 20 years
In a significant step towards global health preparedness, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) has joined fo...
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