• Tuesday, 09th July 2024

RTO Cracks Down on School Bus Violations in Visakhapatnam

Visakhapatnam: The Regional Transport Office (RTO) officials in Visakhapatnam have launched a special drive targeting school and college buses, resulting in several violations being recorded.

Special Drive Results in Multiple Violations
On the first day of this initiative, seven cases were registered against school buses for non-compliance with transport regulations. Additionally, one bus was seized during the operation.

The inspections took place in areas including NAD and Maddilapalem starting at 8 a.m.

Focus on Safety and Compliance
Deputy Transport Commissioner GC Raja Ratnam emphasized that the drive aims to reinforce safety mechanisms and ensure the fitness of school buses. This ongoing effort is part of broader security measures to protect student commuters.

Active Participation
The drive saw active participation from motor vehicle inspectors K Praveen Kumar, A S Ganesh Reddy, Hari Prasad, Madhavi, and Sirisha, who diligently checked vehicle documents and compliance with safety standards.

The RTO's proactive approach highlights the importance of adhering to safety regulations to safeguard the well-being of students in Visakhapatnam.


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