In a shocking incident that unfolded on Sunday night, a former ward volunteer carried out a gruesome crime at an apartment in Suja...
Elaborate Arrangements Made for Giri Pradakshina: A Sacred Pilgrimage
In a splendid event held in Visakhapatnam, India, Dr. C M Thrivikram Varma IPS, the Commissioner of Police, graced the occasion by...
Visakhapatnam city police have intensified their efforts to monitor and curb the activities of repeat offenders, commonly known as...
A shocking incident unfolded in Visakhapatnam as authorities apprehended a 64-year-old seer accused of sexually abusing and repeat...
Streaming fans have a lot to look forward to this week as captivating content hits the OTT platforms. Viewers can expect a diverse...
Visakhapatnam, located on the eastern coast of India, is home to the Eastern Naval Command (ENC) of the Indian Navy, which plays a...
Visakhapatnam, the port city of Andhra Pradesh, is set to add another feather to its cap with the inauguration of the Sea Harrier...
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