The Visakhapatnam City Police swiftly apprehended four individuals accused of assaulting a woman within hours of the incident. The...
Visakhapatnam: In a tragic incident on Tuesday, a 10th-grade student named Hari was found dead by suicide at his home in the Gopal...
Visakhapatnam: In a major step against drug cultivation and addiction, the Andhra Pradesh Police have launched an anti-drug initia...
Snake conservationist Kiran Rokkam led an awareness campaign on Saturday in Visakhapatnam, urging people to protect snakes rather...
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Visakhapatnam and the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Mizoram have signed an agree...
The meeting gathered respected voices, including K.S. Chalam, former Vice-Chancellor of Dravidian University; Kolla Rajmohan, form...
Visakhapatnam: Ms. Sruthi Ragamai from Visakhapatnam was awarded the Gold Medal at the 13th Convocation of IIT BHU, Varanasi, by U...
Visakhapatnam: Ms. Sruthi Ragamai from Visakhapatnam was awarded the Gold Medal at the 13th Convocation of IIT BHU, Varanasi, by U...
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