• Friday, 20th September 2024

Security Drive Targets Violations: 36 Cases Filed Against School Auto-Rickshaws in Visakhapatnam

In a recent development in Visakhapatnam, Regional Transport Office (RTO) officials have taken stringent action against auto-rickshaws operating near schools.

A total of 36 cases have been registered, highlighting violations of established norms and regulations.

Deputy Transport Commissioner, GC Raja Ratnam, spearheaded a special drive aimed at bolstering security measures and ensuring the fitness of vehicles.

The initiative, which commenced earlier this week, focused on monitoring auto-rickshaws across the district.


The inspection, conducted at NAD and Maddilapalem areas on Wednesday, revealed instances of overloading and allowing an excess of passengers in these school auto-rickshaws.

The special drive is part of an ongoing effort to encourage safety mechanisms in school transportation.

Deputy Transport Commissioner Raja Ratnam emphasized the importance of these measures, underscoring the need for a systematic check on the fitness and adherence to regulations by auto-rickshaws involved in transporting students.

Participating in this drive were motor vehicle inspectors Ganesh Reddy, Raja Rao, Madhavi, and Srinivas Yadav, all actively contributing to the comprehensive monitoring process.

The officials are committed to maintaining a vigilant approach to ensure the safety and security of students commuting in auto-rickshaws, signaling a continued effort in this regard.


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