• Friday, 20th September 2024

Warm Welcome for State Governor S. Abdul Nazir at Visakhapatnam Airport

In a heartwarming display of hospitality and respect, the State Governor, S. Abdul Nazir, was accorded a warm welcome at the Visakhapatnam airport. His visit to this coastal city was in anticipation of the upcoming centenary celebrations at AMC scheduled for Saturday.

As the Governor touched down on Friday evening, an enthusiastic reception committee was on hand to receive him. The dignitaries who graced the occasion included District In-Charge Minister Vidadala Rajani, City Mayor Golagani Hari Venkata Kumari, Zilla Parishad Chairperson G. Subadra, District Collector Dr. A. Mallikharjuna, Police Commissioner A. Ravishankar, and Revenue Divisional Officer Hussain Saheb. They extended a warm welcome, presenting bouquets of flowers to the esteemed guest.


The visit of State Governor S. Abdul Nazir carries immense significance, as it marks his participation in the centenary celebrations, an event of great historical importance. The warm reception at the airport symbolizes the unity and hospitality of the people of Visakhapatnam, making it a memorable start to a weekend that promises to be vibrant and significant.

Such gestures of warmth and respect serve as a reminder of the rich cultural and traditional values that continue to thrive in our society, making such occasions not just formal gatherings but heartwarming experiences. The people of Visakhapatnam have set a delightful example of extending a gracious welcome to a distinguished guest.


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