• Sunday, 06th October 2024

Onion Prices Surge to ₹70/kg, Expected to Hit ₹100/kg Soon

Visakhapatnam is feeling the pinch as onion prices soar to ₹70 per kilogram, following a recent trend of skyrocketing vegetable costs. The situation has many consumers worried, with predictions suggesting the price could reach ₹100/kg by the first week of November.

Over the past two weeks, the cost of onions has doubled from ₹30/kg to the current ₹70/kg across the state. However, there is an unfortunate twist to this tale – the quality of the vegetable remains less than stellar.

K. Lakshmi, a trader in Vizag city, reported, "From the past few days, the onion prices at the wholesale market yards in the city have been increasing continuously. Accordingly, the per quintal rate has gone up to ₹4,000, and the retail market prices have followed suit."


In the retail market, the cost of Kurnool onions has climbed to ₹60/kg, while the Maharashtra variety is now being sold at ₹70/kg. Traders attribute this surge to decreased supply and heightened demand. Unfavorable weather conditions have also led to a decline in onion quality. The gap between demand and supply continues to widen, raising concerns that the price may soon breach the ₹100/kg mark.

This onion price surge is reminiscent of a few months back when tomatoes reached an astonishing ₹150/kg. Meanwhile, ginger costs consumers between ₹160 and ₹200/kg in open markets, further burdening household budgets.

As consumers feel the financial strain, many are calling for government monitoring to ensure price stability during these challenging times. Officials from the horticulture department have noted that while Vizag city typically requires 50 to 60 tonnes of onions daily, the supply from Maharashtra has dwindled to a mere 40 tonnes, exacerbating the situation.


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