In a significant development, the ASR district police in Visakhapatnam have successfully unraveled the disturbing events surroundi...
In a devastating incident at Yelamanchali, a couple lost their lives in a fatal road accident.
As the Sankranti festival approaches, residents are concerned about the growing piles of garbage due to the ongoing strike by sani...
In a heartbreaking turn of events, authorities in Visakhapatnam have exhumed the body of a 12-year-old tribal girl, a Class V stud...
In a significant crackdown, the Andhra Pradesh police have successfully seized a total of 125 kg of dry cannabis, leading to the a...
In a key twist to the death case of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant worker Paidiraju, suspicions have heightened as police discovered a...
In a persistent State-wide agitation entering its 23rd day, Anganwadi workers in Visakhapatnam demonstrated near the GVMC building...
In a shocking incident that has sent shockwaves through Andhra Pradesh, a 17-year-old girl from Odisha, employed as a house help i...
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