The Visakhapatnam City Police swiftly apprehended four individuals accused of assaulting a woman within hours of the incident. The...
Visakhapatnam: In a tragic incident on Tuesday, a 10th-grade student named Hari was found dead by suicide at his home in the Gopal...
In a shocking discovery, the Visakhapatnam police have uncovered large-scale ganja cultivation on the hilltop behind King George H...
Visakhapatnam: The surge in 10-minute grocery deliveries has significantly affected traditional retail businesses. The online d...
On October 29, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will present over 51,000 appointment letters to newly-appointed youth at 40 locations...
Visakhapatnam: In a decisive move against corruption within the police force, City Commissioner Shanka Brata Bagchi suspended two...
Visakhapatnam: Heartfelt tributes were paid to Indian Army Jawan Sapper Paravada Naidu Babu, whose mortal remains arrived at Visak...
Visakhapatnam: District Collector M.N. Harendhira Prasad conducted an unannounced inspection of an Anganwadi Centre on Tuesday mor...
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