Amidst the backdrop of growing concerns over the privatization of the Vizag Steel Plant (RINL-VSP), the facility finds itself enta...
The weekly Spandana programme, known as Jaganannaku Chebudam, was cancelled in Visakhapatnam district until further notice, offici...
Denied access to the traditional burial ground due to temple expansion, Varalamma's family was forced to conduct her last rites on...
Launch of Projects Subba Reddy inaugurated 423 projects totaling ₹147 crore across all assembly constituencies within the Greater...
The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 has taken a significant step forward as the Centre officially notifies the rules for i...
District Collector Dr. A. Mallikharjuna has revealed an ambitious initiative named "PM Suraj," scheduled for March 13, aimed at me...
The lack of road connectivity in Thotagodiput in Asr District posed dire challenges, particularly for pregnant women like 28-year-...
In response to security concerns following the recent drone attack at Jammu Airport, the Eastern Naval Command (ENC), headquartere...
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