In a significant initiative aimed at enhancing the lives of the differently-abled, Visakhapatnam is set to witness the distributio...
In a notable achievement, Brandix India Apparel City Private Limited (BIAC), renowned as one of Asia's largest dedicated apparel a...
In the scenic Alluri Sitharama Raju (ASR) district of Andhra Pradesh, the 263 non-regular staff members of the Andhra Pradesh Tour...
In Visakhapatnam, a significant development unfolded as the CSR block of King George Hospital (KGH) welcomed a 120-KW solar power...
In a significant move aimed at addressing air and noise pollution concerns, the Supreme Court of India issued a directive on Tuesd...
Dear Riders and Friends: Are you all geared up for a thrilling event with your bikes revving and riding gear in place? Get read...
In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded near Kothavalasa railway station in Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh, at least...
The project, with an estimated cost of ₹5 crore, aims to transform these junctions into picturesque landmarks. However, it appears...
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