In a distressing turn of events, Commander Sugunakar Pakala, a native of Visakhapatnam and an expert in defense and strategic stud...
In a heartwarming triumph, 15-year-old Dontara Greeshma from Visakhapatnam, India, has clinched a gold medal at the 19th edition o...
Exciting news for agriculture and irrigation enthusiasts! Visakhapatnam, lovingly known as Vizag, is all set to host the 25th Cong...
As the Governor touched down on Friday evening, an enthusiastic reception committee was on hand to receive him. The dignitaries wh...
Hey there, tech enthusiasts! At Lenovo Tech World 2023, Motorola wowed the crowd with its latest concept phone, and it's like noth...
The accident occurred around 2:30 a.m. as three young individuals, aged around 20, were making their way from Assilmetta to the Ra...
Due to safety works in Vijayawada Division of South Central Railway the following trains were cancelled details given below 1...
Dr. Purandeswari, State President of the BJP in Andhra Pradesh writes letter to draw attention to the extensive corruption plaguin...
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