In an initiative aimed at supporting the education of promising young women in Visakhapatnam, the Thanvi Dola Memorial Charitable...
As the 2024 elections approach, Visakhapatnam finds itself at the center stage of political activity, with the Yuvajana Sramika Ry...
In a significant move towards city development, the Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) recently inaugurated a new gateway at the p...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
The ceremony, held on Tuesday, included the laying of the foundation stone for additional facilities on the campus, such as a coll...
Under this act, the citizenship process is expedited for six religious minorities from neighboring countries who have faced persec...
The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) has embarked on a revitalization mission for the One Town area, focusing on...
The lack of road connectivity in Thotagodiput in Asr District posed dire challenges, particularly for pregnant women like 28-year-...
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