The Rotary Club of Vizag Diamonds recently welcomed four new members, further enriching its vibrant community. President Shashi Ja...
In observance of Rare Diseases Day, Young Indians (YI) Vizag's Accessibility, in collaboration with Poornamidam and IIH Warriors I...
In a concerted effort to promote the sustainable development of fisheries, Visakhapatnam recently hosted a workshop facilitated by...
Brandix Apparel India (BAI) has been recognized with the prestigious best HR practices award at the Textile Sustainability Awards...
In commemoration of National Science Day, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology (VIIT) in Visakhapatnam organized a science...
The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has announced plans to introduce biometric attendance for its 29,000 employees starting March 8.
The Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) president, Pawan Kumar, emphasized the importance of strengthening trade relatio...
VDC extend our sincere appreciation for the steadfast support provided by the central government, which has been instrumental in d...
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