In a tragic incident in Ulichi, Prakasam district, unidentified individuals brutally murdered an 80-year-old woman named Y Seetham...
In a remote tribal hamlet of Alluri Sitarama Raju district, a compelling tale of endurance and community solidarity unfolded as Ma...
Google recently paid tribute to Hamida Banu, India's pioneering female wrestler, with a special doodle on Saturday, May 4. Recogni...
The Crime Investigation Department (CID) in Visakhapatnam successfully apprehended Ginni Gopi, a 29-year-old man hailing from Jutt...
In a bid to ensure the safety and well-being of visually and hearing impaired individuals, Visakhapatnam Police Commissioner, A. R...
Denied access to the traditional burial ground due to temple expansion, Varalamma's family was forced to conduct her last rites on...
Inspector T. Kalyani, stationed at Disha Woman Police Station in Vishakhapatnam, has brought honor to the police force by clinchin...
The Commissioner of Police in Vishakhapatnam, A. Ravi Shankar, demonstrated personal commitment by promptly addressing a complaint...
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