In a heartbreaking turn of events, five people, including two children, lost their lives in two separate accidents in the Vizag r...
In a significant development, the ASR district police in Visakhapatnam have successfully unraveled the disturbing events surroundi...
In a heartbreaking turn of events, authorities in Visakhapatnam have exhumed the body of a 12-year-old tribal girl, a Class V stud...
In a bid to strengthen collaborative efforts for community development, NTPC Simhadri organized a CSR Stakeholders Meet on Friday.
A significant drop in night temperatures has swept through Vizag city and the Agency areas, casting a cold wave over Alluri Sithar...
The Agency areas of Alluri Sitharama Raju (ASR) district in Andhra Pradesh are experiencing a winter chill, with temperatures dipp...
In a swift response to the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions, Waltair railway division managed to restore the KK line...
In a display of frustration over unaddressed pleas for essential amenities in their villages, tribal communities from various haml...
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