The accident occurred around 2:30 a.m. as three young individuals, aged around 20, were making their way from Assilmetta to the Ra...
G. Rahul Kumar, a 17-year-old residing in Yendada, currently in the midst of his Intermediate Second year studies. According to In...
A devastating incident occurred in Pendurthi, Visakhapatnam, as a 22-year-old school teacher lost her life in a collision with a s...
Thirteen young individuals were hospitalized in Visakhapatnam after experiencing severe vomiting and stomach discomfort, believed...
With the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup creating excitement in the port city, there's an anticipated surge in reported betting cas...
In a concerning turn of events, a 16-year-old girl has gone missing in Visakhapatnam, leaving her family in distress and prompting...
Visakhapatnam: In a heart-wrenching incident, three young individuals lost their lives when the scooter they were riding veered of...
Visakhapatnam: Railway Protection Force Raising Day marks a significant milestone in the force's growth, celebrated with enthusias...
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