In a notable achievement, Brandix India Apparel City Private Limited (BIAC), renowned as one of Asia's largest dedicated apparel a...
As cricket fever takes over Visakhapatnam during the ICC World Cup, the Andhra Cricket Association (ACA) is all set to bring back...
The project, with an estimated cost of ₹5 crore, aims to transform these junctions into picturesque landmarks. However, it appears...
Step into a world painted in vibrant hues as the 'RED: An Exhibit and an Experience' art show, organised collaboratively by the im...
Visakhapatnam: A. Mallikarjuna, the District Collector of Visakhapatnam, has lauded the district's remarkable progress on the tour...
Visakhapatnam: Pulsus Group has achieved a significant milestone that not only showcases their commitment to the vision of a Digit...
AP maritime board deputy chief executive officer, Lt Cdr BM Ravindranath Reddy, has said they will take measures to promote export...
The Vice President of the Greater Visakha Citizens’ Forum Sohan Hatangadi, on Friday earnestly urged the Visakhapatnam Metropolita...
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