In a move aimed at advancing crucial development projects, the Visakhapatnam-Koraput bi-weekly express train, designated as train...
Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone (VSEZ) has reached a significant milestone in the fiscal year 2023-24, with exports soaring to...
In the vast tapestry of the Telugu diaspora, a unique thread has been found in the island nation of Sri Lanka.
Andhra University has unveiled the details for the Andhra Pradesh Education Common Entrance Test (APEdCET), scheduled for June 18.
Visakhapatnam is gearing up for a significant environmental initiative as it observes World Earth Day on April 22, under the theme...
Residents of Visakhapatnam's Zone 3 will encounter water supply disruptions on April 18 and 19 due to repairs on the main water pi...
In a solemn ceremony at the Suryabagh Fire Station in Visakhapatnam, officials from the Fire Department gathered to observe Nation...
In Visakhapatnam, various governmental departments, academic institutions, and private organizations came together to honor the le...
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